Don King, on Mike Tyson

"Why would anyone expect him to come out smarter?
He went to prison, not to Princeton."

"To me, boxing is like a ballet, except there's no music
and the dancers hit each other."

Sunday, August 14, 2022

The Power of Practice: Lessons From 10 Years of Pushups

The Power of Practice: Lessons From 10 Years of Pushups  
- Emily Saul

This talk by Emily Saul, Sport Psychology + Performance Coach, explores the lessons that she learned from 10 years of practicing pushups, every day. 

She introduces the value of having a practice: an ongoing and consistent relationship with a repeated action, like she has through pushups. 

This practice, in the form of habit, routine, and/or ritual creates a space for learning, for developing personal growth, and for positively impacting mental and physical health, meaning and purpose, and ability to overcome challenge. 

The talk offers five of the most relevant and applicable lessons for building a practice of your own.  

Sport Psychology + Performance Coach, Licens
ed Mental Health Counselor. Founder of E Saul Movement


1. Let obstacles become opportunities: resistance and challenges are not bad - they are opportunities to learn
2. Not doing something perfectly does not mean you are failing: every little step/ every rep is part of a bigger goal
3. Motivation is directly related to meaning: frame your challenge around something that has purpose in your life.
4. If you want to keep doing something make it regular and give it structure: And if you want to keep enjoying something make it unusual and give it variety
5. There is a version of impressive things that works for you: if there is something that inspires you and has meaning for you practice being good at it day after day

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