Don King, on Mike Tyson

"Why would anyone expect him to come out smarter?
He went to prison, not to Princeton."

"To me, boxing is like a ballet, except there's no music
and the dancers hit each other."

Monday, October 29, 2012

Muhammad Ali on The Cavett Show 1970 Part 2/2 - YouTube

Part 1 - Discusses Vietnam, boxing, Marciano computer fight part 3 was about 2minutes long and was the host talking for 2minutes about random stuff, not related to ali and a advertisement break after that and the end of the broadcast


License:  Standard YouTube License

loaded by on Jan 21, 2012

Discusses Vietnam, boxing, Marciano computer fight part 2 -


License: Standard YouTube License

Muhammad Ali on The Cavett Show 1970 Part 2/2 - YouTube

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